Monday 19 August 2013

Haiku - August 19th - 10.30pm

Quiet house, supper digesting, peace.
Sneeze erupts from sleeping babe, sleeps on.
To-do list for tomorrow brewing.

Catching up on reading blogs.
Enjoying educational discussions, thinking to the future.
Homeschooling - eclectic, God-centred, delight directed.

Philosophies of education aside; focus,
Homemaking must be mastered first before more,
Added to the brimming plate.

Little Susie Homemaker, fifties style,
Dreams of gleaming surfaces, smiling, order,
Instead chaos, clutter, must clean.

And now, I must sleep,
Last night, up gone three, mind whirling,
Hundred mph, lists help soothe.

Today, list followed, much acheived,
Still more undone, but paint finally removed,
From kitchen sink, two years.

Tomorrow, busy day to come,
Work and visitors all combined and double-booked.
Successful day if nerves intact.

Success only possible through Him.
Stretched tight, nerves frazzled, leaning on Him.
The everlasting arms bring peace.

Pray, breathe, pray, breathe, confess.
Grace offered anew, refreshed I breathe again.
Thankful heart praises, prays, breathes.

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