Sunday 20 October 2013

Day 20 - An Inside Job

Roman Catholics visit the confessional and "atone" for their sins.

I believe Salvation Army members kneel at the mercy seat to confess.

Traditionally Presbyterians are to examine their hearts before the six annual communions.

There is even the encouraged prayer format of A.C.T.S. Adoration Confession Thanksgiving Supplication.

Prayerful confession is again wiping clean the slate of our soul.

Turning over the new leaf of repentance.

With the introduction of so many challenges on my sister blog I feel as if I am chasing my tail and never fully accomplishing anything; yet I have accomplished so much and one area that has greatly improved is my prayer life.

Daily "prayer sticks" time with Bundle has left me more open to God, seen me confessing my aberrations almost daily and seeking the forgiveness of the cross, with thankfulness for His mercies being new each morning.

Six lollipop sticks to guide me and direct me to His throne of grace;
Purple - a prayer format or prayerful passage,
Yellow - something for which to give thanks,
Red - family member, friends or church family to pray for,
Green - prayer for government, missionaries the world over, our ministers, the persecuted church
Orange - a supplication, please help me to be kind, patient, Christlike, (I really should add-in all the 'fruits of the spirit')
Blue - confessions, cleaning my soul, cleansing my heart, being contrite and apologising for the wrong that breaks His heart, mindful of the debt paid and freedom granted, PRAISE THE LORD!

Other short-term requests are added in to the mix and the prayers can have moments of checking off the list but those are few and far between, as the dialogue begins and my heart opens up to God. Tears flow and my soul sings. Our Father... Thank You Lord... Please lift up... Guide me O though Great Jehovah... Help so-and-so see their need of You... I'm sorry...

All the parts come together to make more than the whole. Thanks and praise and pleas and confession.

Confession especially, "they" always say it's good for the soul and they're right.

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